Learning with GenerativeAI

GenAI Coding Tools

Generative AI (GenAI) tools, which are trained on extensive collections of code and programming-related content, can help programmers in various ways:

  • Code creation: GenAI can assist in generating code fragments, functions, or even complete modules based on descriptions or prompts provided in natural language.
  • Code auto-completion: Tools powered by AI can offer code completion suggestions, enabling developers to write code more efficiently and with reduced errors.
  • Code explanation: GenAI can provide explanations and documentation for code, making it easier for programmers to understand complex codebases or unfamiliar libraries.
  • Debugging support: GenAI tools can help identify and suggest fixes for common programming errors and bugs.
  • Code refinement: GenAI can provide suggestions for enhancing code performance, improving readability, or adhering to best practices and coding standards.
  • Problem-solving guidance: AI assistants can offer guidance and suggestions for tackling programming problems, helping developers break down complex tasks into manageable steps.
  • Learning and exploration: GenAI can help programmers learn new programming concepts, languages, or frameworks by providing explanations, examples, and interactive tutorials.

While GenAI tools can be very helpful, it is essential to use these tools as a supplement to, rather than a replacement for, the development of your own programming skills and understanding. When you are new to programming and learning the fundamentals of variables, functions, and control structures, avoid the urge to depend excessively on GenAI tools for code generation. While it might seem like a convenient shortcut, generating code without understanding how it works will hinder your learning.



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Are You AI Ready? Investigating AI Tools in Higher Education - Student Guide Copyright © 2024 by SATLE 'Are You AI Ready?' Project Team, University College Dublin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.