Generative AI Tools

Other Models

There are quite a few other models under development and two of the most notable models recently made available to users in Ireland and Europe are Claude and Llama.

Claude works in a similar way to ChatGPT but has been developed by Anthropic. Claude is now available to Irish users on a free plan with daily usage limits.

Meta’s Llama is slightly different in that it has been made available as an open-source model, meaning that you can run it yourself.  Open-source AI models often differ from open-source software though, and it is not possible to fully understand how the Llama model works, or modify it yourself, from this release.

Minaee et al. (2024) recently published a pre-print article ‘Large Language Models: A Survey’ which looks at the more prominent models and discusses their characteristics, contributions and limitations.[1]

Attribution: A Generative AI Primer JISC National Centre for AI Version 1.3 – 2nd Jan 2024. License: CC BY-NC-SA.

Page updated: 21st May 2024

  1. Minaee, S., Mikolov, T., Nikzad, N., Chenaghlu, M., Socher, R., Amatriain, X., & Gao, J. (2024). Large Language Models: A Survey. To be published in Computation and Language.


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