Important Considerations Before Using Generative AI in Your Studies

Are You Ready To Use GenAI?

Complete this checklist and consider how many items you have checked off.

If you have checked most items, you are ready to start using GenAI tools effectively. If you have left many unchecked, consider learning more about these areas before starting to use GenAI in your studies.

I have a basic understanding of how GenAI models work

I know what GenAI tools are available

I know how to use GenAI for learning

I know how to use GenAI effectively

I understand GenAI tool strengths and limitations

I know how to critically evaluate GenAI outputs

I understand how GenAI is treated in the university academic integrity policy

Complete this checklist and consider how many items you have checked off. If you have checked most items, you are ready to start using GenAI tools effectively. If you have left many unchecked, consider learning more about these areas before starting to use GenAI in your studies.


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Are You AI Ready? Investigating AI Tools in Higher Education - Student Guide Copyright © 2024 by SATLE 'Are You AI Ready?' Project Team, University College Dublin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.