Google Gemini (Formally BARD)

Gemini is Google’s equivalent of Microsoft Copilot, launched on 8th February 2024, using its own underlying model Ultra 1.0. It is also now launching Gemini Ultra, which will be available through a new paid Google One AI Premium plan.

Like Copilot, Gemini can access the internet, but unlike Copilot, it doesn’t provide references for the sites it used to give its answers, at least in its initial response.

This image provides an example of an input and output from Google Gemini. The input asks for ideas planning a lecture on research methods in the social sciences.
Example of Google Gemini.

How to access Gemini: 

Available at

  • You must be signed into your Google account e.g. UCD Connect to access Gemini.
  • If you have already read Get Started With ChatGPT (link), then you will understand how to use the Gemini interface.

Other Models

There are quite a few other models under development – Claude and Llama being two of the more notable. Claude is similar to ChatGPT and is produced by Anthropic. It is likely to be built into many applications going forward. Meta’s Llama is slightly different in that it has been made available as an open-source model, meaning that you can run it yourself.  Open-source AI models often differ from open-source software though, and it’s not possible to fully understand how the Llama model works, or modify it yourself, from this release.


Adapted from A Generative AI Primer JISC National Centre for AI Version 1.3 – 2nd Jan 2024. License: CC BY-NC-SA.


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Are You AI Ready? Investigating AI tools in Higher Education - Faculty Guide Copyright © by SATLE Project Team 'Are You AI Ready?' University College Dublin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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