International & National Regulation of AI

International & National Regulation of AI

The impact of the rapid development and evolution of AI tools is a subject of concern across various sectors of society, and not confined to higher education. As with higher education, where the benefits and ethical concerns of GenAI are evident, national and international policies are continually evolving to address the complexities introduced by these rapidly advancing technologies. This section provides a brief overview of the current state of national and international AI regulation, acknowledging the evolving nature of these policies.


  • First Comprehensive AI Law: The AI Act is set to regulate AI use across the EU, categorising AI systems by risk and applying corresponding regulatory measures.
  • Parliament’s Priorities: Ensuring AI systems in the EU are safe, transparent, and environmentally friendly, with human oversight to prevent harmful outcomes.
  • Risk-Based Approach: The Act differentiates between unacceptable, high, and limited risk AI systems, with specific regulations for each category.

Ireland’s National AI Strategy: “AI – Here for Good

  • Human-Centered Approach: Emphasising AI development for societal benefit, focusing on safety, ethical use, and transparency.
  • AI Advisory Council: Established to provide independent expert advice on AI policy, with a focus on building public trust in AI.
  • Public Sector AI Framework: Aligning with EU standards, the framework outlines seven requirements for AI use in public services, emphasising ethical principles.

Implications for Educators:

  • Awareness and Adaptation: Faculty should be aware of these national and EU-level developments in AI policy and consider how they may impact their use of AI tools accordingly.
  • Ethical Integration: The focus on ethical, human-centered AI means educators suggest prioritising these values in their application of AI in teaching and learning.


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Are You AI Ready? Investigating AI tools in Higher Education - Faculty Guide Copyright © by SATLE Project Team 'Are You AI Ready?' University College Dublin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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